Ideeas assess the feasibility of development projects. This may be in the tourism and leisure sector, in building and property development or in education, sport or arts projects or for renewable energy schemes.Our feasibility studies will involve the initial and appropriate research and consultation and assessments of an idea’s strengths and weaknesses. We regularly carry out community consultation and drop ins, primary and desk research. We follow this with development of project ideas, preparation of business plans advice on finances and funding and the need for planning permissions and other permits.In recent examples we have assessed the feasibility of:
• Tourism and leisure projects in Islay, Stirlingshire, Estonia and Anglesey
• Property Developments in Paisley, Conwy and Barrhead
• Airport developments in Anglesey, Oban, Aberporth, Stornoway and Newtownards
• Recycling proposals in Inverness, Gwynedd, Dundee and the Netherlands
• Community Facilities in Ayrshire
• Biomass and Solar PV projects in East Renfrewshire
Further information on all these projects can be found under the projects heading.