Harvesttime at Eastwood Nursery Allotments

Secured allotments for fifty local gardeners saving around 36 tonnes of CO2e in its first year alone

Performers at the Lake of Stars Festival in Malawi

Providing sustainability management for Malawi’s leading music festival

Research at the Runde Environmental Centre in Norway

Find out how partners all around the world rely on our environmental expertise


  • We provide Circular Economy advice, environmental management and sustainability audits to make your business greener.
  • Efficiency SavingsWe provide sustainability management services for events and festivals reducing your event’s carbon footprint while being cost conscious and meeting customers’ demands. Protecting watercourses, biodiversity and preventing land contamination to improve compliance and reduce risk of prosecution.
  • We prepare and manage Environmental Impact Assessments to help your projects and development proposals gain planning permission
  • We prepare feasibility studies and funding applications to help make your project ideas realistic and affordable.
  • We provide innovative ideas, research and strategies to help drive your project ideas forward.

How can we help you?

Contact us now to discover how we can help your business:
Tel: +44 (0)141 621 2989 • Email: steve@ideeas.net


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